
Statement by the Bishops of Malta and Gozo

L‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex jirringrazzjaw minn qalbhom lill‑poplu Malti u Għawdxi għall‑merħba mimlija ferħ, għożża u fidi li taw lill‑Qdusija Tiegħu l‑Papa Franġisku f’din “l‑art imdawla”, kif għoġbu jsejjaħ lil pajjiżna. L‑Arċisqof ta’ Malta Charles Jude Scicluna, l‑Isqof ta’ Għawdex Anton Teuma u l‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi qalu li dawn kienu jumejn li nisslu …

Statement by the Bishops of Malta and Gozo Read More »

Pope at Angelus: I will remember many of your faces, as well as the luminous face of Malta!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am grateful for Archbishop Scicluna’s kind words on your behalf, but I am really the one who should be thanking you! Thank you very much! I would like to express my gratitude to the President of the Republic and the civil authorities, to my brother Bishops, to you, dear priests, …

Pope at Angelus: I will remember many of your faces, as well as the luminous face of Malta! Read More »

Your presence encourages us even more to put ourselves at the service of those who suffer – Fr Dijonisju Mintoff

Most Blessed Father Francis, It is an immense joy and a great honor to welcome you among us. Your presence confirms us in our Faith in Jesus and encourages us even more to put ourselves at the service of those who suffer and who need our closeness, our care and our comfort. We know that …

Your presence encourages us even more to put ourselves at the service of those who suffer – Fr Dijonisju Mintoff Read More »

Pope Francis in Ħal Far: Let us respond to the challenge of migrants with kindness and humanity

Message by Pope Francis Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet all of you with great affection, and I am very happy to end my visit to Malta by spending some time here with you. I thank Father Dionisio for his welcome. I am also very grateful to Daniel and to Siriman for their testimonies: you …

Pope Francis in Ħal Far: Let us respond to the challenge of migrants with kindness and humanity Read More »

Pope Francis blesses Malta through the intercession of St Paul upon his departure

Immediately after the departure of the flight from Malta, his Holiness Pope Francis had the following telegram sent to the President of Malta, H.E. George William Vella: His Excellency George Vella President of Malta Valletta As I depart from Malta on my return to Rome, I express anew my deep gratitude to your excellency, the …

Pope Francis blesses Malta through the intercession of St Paul upon his departure Read More »

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